Thursday, March 5, 2009

I Pledge to be Servant to Barack Obama...


I heard about this video so I looked it up on youtube to see what it was about. I feel like I'm gonna puke! I pledge to be a service to Barack Obama...I don't think so! A very nice attempt at Hollywood to brainwash the less informed and weak at heart. Let me remind you of what the strong at heart Americans pledge:

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Also don't forget people, that our government is a Public Service position. That means that Barack Obama is to serve me and you and all Americans!!!

1 comment:

  1. I pledge I will never be as mindless to think that others will act in accordance with their pledges. Actions speak louder than words and the overwhelming majority of people in this world will take advantage of another human being if given the chance. This is the human spirit. It is called original sin. Given the facts of who I am and everyone else in the world is, the best pledge I can make is not to another human being but rather the Creator of the Universe. Read the Judeo/Christian Bible to understand what the real Messiah is all about. If you have a subjective way of looking at all things and issues conduct your own research as to the historicity and accuracy of the Scriptures. Having this knowledge will give you a heart change, not a mouth change based on some ideology.
