Friday, April 3, 2009

On the lighter side...A funny comic from what looks like the Star Tribune...where ever that is


When are you going to learn?

So it has come to light that Sen. Dodd has received the most contributions from AIG than any other politician. And of course, we all know that Sen. Dodd is the one who wrote the 'Amendments' to allow the paying of bonuses in the recent 'Spending Bill'. So what does that tell all of you Left-Wing nut jobs? Is that what you wanted? I always hear you guys saying that Right-Winged politicians are only looking out for the "Rich Guy" and the Dem's take care of "My People". Whatever! Let me give it to you straight! There are very few politicians, left or right, that have your best interest at heart. Our government is set up to make you more poor and them and theirs richer! We need a Revolution and it doesn't have to be a violent one. We need to seek out leaders that are real leaders! Leaders who will resist the temptation to "Sell-Out" when they get to Washington! I contend that we should wipe it clean and start from scratch. Start looking in your community for that leader! Start looking for values in life! Start looking to yourself and put your hand back in your pocket and stop 'expecting' handouts! As long as you think the government owes you something the more they will lead you to think they are giving it to you! It's a game of power to them! It's time to take the power back people! WAKE UP!!!!!