Friday, January 30, 2009

Are you Stimulated?

$900 BILLION DOLLARS!!! Are you kidding me? So I started this blog when our wonderful all knowing, all responsible government decided to "Bail Out Main Street" otherwise known as setting up our pal's on Wall Street. About 3 to 5 billion have been spent of the 850 billion approved and "Main Street" has not seen anything but more $$$ down the drain. Now the man who is going to change the world, you know, the Chosen One, has put his Stimulus Package to the vote. I say vote but there really is no point in sending anything to the House or Congress because they are all in the same boat with the same interest at heart - their own! Now we are going to spend $900 billion on pork! No, not just pork because I really like pork. This is more like a hotdog. We don't really know what's in a hotdog! But if you take the time to read how and where the money is spent and then ask yourself where the jobs and return will come from you will learn what a hotdog really is. Click on the picture of the the Stimulus Package to find the filling (From the Appropriations Comity):
Just a bunch of spending that just like the bail-out, will do nothing but put us further in debt. I just want to say my grand children will really appreciate how we've set them up! My oldest kid is 7 years old.

So let's count the spending: Wall Street CEO Executive Bonuses for a years work = $20 Billion vs. Government Bailout and Stimulus costs in the past 3 months = $1.8 TRILLION...Wow!!!

~I am definitely stimulated and even more outraged!!!

Barack Damn's Wall Street CEO's and their Bonuses!!!

Is this not "Calling the Kettle Black"? (excuse my pun) President Obama criticizes Wall Street for handing out over 18 Billion in CEO bonuses:

Here's where the Kettle is Black:

Obama's inauguration cost well over $150 Million!!! Really? Many of you in the Obamanation will argue that Bush's was more than the reported $47 million. All-be-it true, but is it really an appropriate time for our government to spend that much on a party? Not to mention pay raises!!! Do any of you know that we will never hear about congress voting to give themselves a raise anymore? That's because they already voted and passed automatic raises every year! I don't know about you but I didn't receive a raise this year!

HYPOCRISY IN WASHINGTON!!! ~ CHANGE YOU CAN SEE? Yes, I can see now that Washington will not try to hide what they really do.

~ I am outraged!!!