Friday, September 4, 2009

Red and Yellow, Black and White..They are equal in HIS site?!?!

Yes, another crazy video has surfaced showing a teachers zeal for Barrack Obama. It shows what looks like a bunch of 5 to 7 year olds being instructed a song praising Barrack Obama. Let me be clear on this. I appreciate the country I live in and the liberties it affords me. One of those liberties is Freedom of Speech. I would have no problem at all if this teacher was to record herself singing these songs, but the fact that it appears to be a school invironment, with children whose parents may not know that their kids are participating without choice drives me batty!

The icing on the cake to this video that blows my top is part of the lyrics....Red and Yellow, Black or White, they are equal (precious) in HIS site! Scary!

I remember the famed childrens christian song, Jesus loves the little children and can't help but be disgusted that a teacher, whom parents put their trust in to educate children, is all but comparing Barrack Obama to Jesus Christ! This makes me sick and OUTRAGED!!!

NOV. 8th - National Stay Home from School Day